PTO at Work

We had such an amazing turnout at Bingo Night last week! Over 270 Bancroft students and family members attended the event. The students and their families had a blast eating dinner together, playing Bingo, winning raffles, and even dancing! Thanks so much to everyone...

School Calendar FAQ

What to do about all the snow days? As of today, the Andover Schools have now used ALL 5 snow days scheduled for the 2017/18 school year.  The School Committee has had discussions about contingencies for this year and will continue those discussions again at its next...

2018 Bancroft Science Fair

Calling all Scientists!  The greatest Bancroft investigative minds will meet again at the 2018 Bancroft Science Fair!  Mark your calendars: February 7th, 2018 is the evening for kids to show off their scientific skills and wow the Andover High Judges with their...

Bancroft Mom’s Night Out

Bancroft PTO is starting a new — Moms Night Out — We will coordinate a couple of events throughout the year. We are kicking it off with a  Holiday Moms Night Out and Yankee Swap that will be held on Tues, December 5th. The MNO will be from 7-10 p.m.  For additional...

Math Bug Info

It’s time for Bancroft’s annual math enrichment program, Math Bug! You can find packets and answer sheets on the PTO website. Prizes awarded to participants, including the opportunity for extra recess!

PTO at Work

The Bancroft teachers and staff did such an amazing job of supporting our students during a challenging week and welcoming them back with some fun Halloween festivities. The PTO bought pizza for all of the teachers and staff to thank them for going above and beyond...

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