(Don’t miss the FAQs below.)

Please attend Town Meeting to vote on the level of funding provided to Andover schools!

Monday, May 4th at 7pm 

Collins Center at Andover High School

The School Committee will seek voter approval for an FY16 budget of $73,296,591 which is $423,062 higher than the school budget currently recommended by the Board of Selectmen.

Voters will have a choice between the budget recommended by the Selectmen and the budget recommended by the School Committee:

The Selectmen’s FY16 budget ($72,873,529) is a 2.78% increase over FY15, and would result in the layoff of 10 to 11 classroom teachers.

The School Committee’s FY16 budget ($73,296,591) is a 3.37% increase over FY15, and would result in the layoff of 4 to 5 classroom teachers.

Attempts for the School Committee to reach a compromise with the Board of Selectmen prior to Town Meeting were unsuccessful. Instead, the School Committee is bringing a budget proposal to Town Meeting ($73,296,591, a $423,062 increase) which it feels is more responsible, and will allow the district to more closely maintain class sizes by saving additional teachers.

Every voice will count in this important vote. Please take the time to attend Town Meeting and weigh in on the budget!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Is this Town Meeting vote on school budget unusual?

The School Committee brings a budget to voters every year at Town Meeting. Typically (but not always), the School Committee and Selectmen can agree on a budget prior to Town Meeting. That has not been the case this year, which makes voter participation at Town Meeting critical.

2.  The front page of the Townsman said the School Committee wanted an additional $280,000 added to the school budget. Why are they now looking for an additional $423,069?

Recently, the Selectmen would not approve an additional $280,000, which was an amount requested by the School Committee in an attempt to find a compromise budget prior to Town Meeting.

Instead, the School Committee is bringing a budget proposal to Town Meeting ($73,296,591, a $423,062 increase) which they feel is a more responsible, and will allow the district to more closely maintain class sizes by saving additional teachers.

The School Committee’s $73,296,591 request matches the FY16 allocation given by the Town Manager during the budget process in January, but is still lower than the amount originally requested by the Superintendent.

3.  Wasn’t Andover looking at laying off more than 21 teachers? How did that change?

In early March the Superintended presented a staffing plan that matched the budget allocation preferred by the Selectmen ($72,873,529). That plan required layoff of more than 21 classroom teachers.

Since that time, additional information has been solidified by the district including: turnover savings (projections for the number of retiring teachers, leaves of absence, etc.), projections for out-of-district expenses (requirements for special needs education serviced elsewhere), and high school course selections which drove number of classes.  Additionally, the schools intend to save approximately $117,000 through removal of some planned innovation spending and professional development, and position consolidation.

These refinements and new assumptions total approximately $683,000, which allows Andover schools to keep approximately 11 of the 21 teachers previously targeted for layoff.

4.  I heard there would be a net increase of teachers across the district next year. How is this the case if teachers are being laid off?

No matter which budget (Selectmen or School Committee) passes at Town Meeting, Andover will need to layoff classroom teachers.

Also, in any budget, Andover is required to hire more than 10 employees to meet legal mandates. These “full time equivalent” positions include 7.5 special education teachers, 1.0 english as a second language teacher, 0.2 human resources assistant, 1.0 custodian, and 0.5 crossing guard.

The net result may be a positive add, but in any current scenario the number of classroom teachers will decline.

5.  What is the threshold to pass the school budget?

A simple majority of Town Meeting voters need to pass the budget. (Some warrant articles require 2/3 vote, but the budget does not.)

6. Who can attend Town Meeting?

Anyone can attend Town Meeting. Those registered to vote in Andover can vote at the meeting.

7. Will babysitting be provided at Town Meeting?

Yes, babysitting will be provided at Town Meeting! Detail will be available soon.

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