Mark your calendars, Bancroft families! Our much-anticipated Spring Book Fair is happening the week of April 29!

We’re thrilled to announce that this year we’re partnering with Fantastic Book Fairs for an unforgettable literary experience. Fantastic Book Fairs is a collaboration between two independent bookstores, The Book Oasis and The Book Rack. They are dedicated to delivering hassle-free, high-quality book fairs to schools.

Please note that this will be a cash-only event, so we’re asking parents to preview the available books with their child and send in cash in a bag/envelope labeled with their name. Be advised that sales tax will be charged so please include an extra dollar for every ten dollars you give your child.

We will also have a parent shopping night on Friday, May 3 during the Spring Fling. A preview catalog can be viewed here to help plan/budget. Stay tuned for more information from teachers about when your child(ren)’s class will be shopping.

To make this event a success, we’re calling for parent volunteers to assist with setup and classroom buying times. Your involvement will make a world of difference! Please sign up by clicking here.

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